chess pieces digital drawing

Digital drawing by Shannon Ambroson

Digital drawings grid

Digital drawings grid by CE Groom

Grid of images of art done for Art in August

A grid of digital drawings done for Art in August by Jaqi. W Nightshade

photo of small hand-drawn artworks

Sam Wolk hand-drew 31 great little drawings for Art in August.

sketch doodles

More meeting sketching done by Snad Riana of sunflowers.

WOW! What a great month of wonderful art. Here are some of my favourite contributions, and links to the artists on social media.


One of the art contributors for August was Snad Riana a self-confessed doodler during meetings, who made some inventive sketches accompained by humorous writing snippets that painted a picture often worth further discussion. If there’s one thing to know about Art In August, it was a welcoming challenge with much encouragement for ALL contributors, no matter of skill level, time availability, or motivation level. I tried to make it clear each day that just the act of showing up to be creative was enough.

grid of art done for Art in August
grid of art done for Art in August

A set of grids from social media of my Art in August contributions.

hand-drawn art for Art in August

Hand-drawn flower with a droplet (which suggests an inner world) by Carissa Starr.

watercolour art in a grid
watercolour art of flower

Beautiful watercolour artworks created for Art in August by Lara Nicholls.