The Art of Putting Yourself Out There

The Art of Putting Yourself Out There

We all know we have to do it – social media, appearances, events, in-person book sales, groups, book-signings, email newsletters, etc. But most of us struggle to just find the time to CREATE, so how are we supposed to fit all that other stuff in? The way I see it is...
From Dream to Reality — The Making of Rubicon

From Dream to Reality — The Making of Rubicon

YEAR: 2069 The conference room was abuzz, reporters from every corner of the globe, pressed into the stuffy room, awaiting the space agency chief. When he finally appeared, he took them through an elaborately detailed explanation of the mission to Mars. “We launched...
Sometimes, you fall on your face

Sometimes, you fall on your face

I have a motto in business that I’ve adopted from the tech industry: Fail Fast. Fail Upward. This said, failing still sucks. Early in 2024, I had a grand scheme to start a space merch store. I created a bunch of designs, utilizing my developing digital drawing...
Why I Love Doing Fan Art

Why I Love Doing Fan Art

If you follow me on social media, you’ll notice I’ve made quite a bit of fan art in the past several months. I’ve had tremedous feedback from you all, noting how much certain pieces resonate with my audience. But it’s more than the feedback...
The Driver by James Bez

The Driver by James Bez

It was a hot day. Ridiculously hot. I climbed into my open-top car waiting outside Sarajevo Station. I touched my hands to the leather steering wheel and immediately pulled them back.“God, that’s hot!” Even in the shade of the station, the steering wheel burned...